ABM Joins Responsible Business Network, Business in the Community

April 24, 2024

ABM, a global leader in integrated facility and aviation services, has joined Business in theCommunity, the largest and most influential responsible business network, supported by HisMajesty the King for over 40 years. Business in the Community is dedicated to building a fairer and greener world, driven by fairer and greener businesses.

ABM is committed to progress as a responsible business and has joined companies who employ more than 20% of the UK workforce in a public commitment to changing business, transforming lives, and helping the planet and communities thrive.

Members of Business in the Community collaborate to take practical action to mobilise their collective strength as a force for good in society to help everyone reach their full potential.Businesses have an important role to play in addressing major societal challenges, and ABM is committed to making the UK a better place in which to live and work.

Richard Sykes, SVP and President, ABM UK & Ireland, said: “The work of becoming and remaining a responsible business is never over. It is essential that we continually take steps to improve and call on the knowledge and expertise of like-minded businesses to share best practice and innovation. We are proud to be a Business in the Community partner and look forward to the journey ahead.”

Mary Macleod, CEO of Business in the Community, said: “I am delighted that ABM has joined our network of businesses leading from the front to bring about long-term meaningful impact for the benefit of people, our communities, and our planet.

“Our vision is to create a fairer and greener world, driven by fairer and greener businesses. It isonly through the commitment, collaboration, and innovation of organisations like ABM that we willmake this ambition a reality. I am excited to see how our work together over the coming years willprogress ABM’s responsible business journey.”